The release date will be probably in December, 2019. But here is some new features that’ll be available in this version and here is the most important RFC (Request for comments)
PHP 8: Introducing JIT
Basically, the PHP scripts are compiled into instructions, which are called opcodes that are understandable to the machine. Opcodes are low-level, and hence faster to translate to machine code as compared to the original PHP code.
Learning Japanese: My Tricks Don’t worry, I translated the title! Since many years, I started learning Japanese at school, It was a fail for me because I didn’t practice it and I forgot everything. Then every time I retry, It becomes hard to me until I found the best practice to learn it. First, I […]
What ‘use strict’ means for in JavaScript
“strict mode”; It’s a ECMAScript 5 feature that prevents certain actions from being taken and throws more exceptions in a JavaScript code.
What’s new with CakePHP 4 ?
If you are familiar with CakePHP 2/3 then you should take a look to CakePHP 4. I used this Framework since 10 years and I’m still using it till now on my web apps projects.
This is why I use KeyCloak?
Hello everyone ! Today i’m going to explain to you how you can save time when securing your web services.
Gitlab-CI using Panther and Symfony 4
I tried to test my Symfony 4.1 app using gitlab-ci. Basically, when we Test PHP application we require php-cli docker image to execute composer install, phpunit.But in this case I have a node packages to install, a React App in the front to test and a Rest API to test with my React Application.
Collaboration with Atom Teletype
Origin of the name “Teletype” Collaborating remotely seems painful when it is about coding a script or styling a web page between team members or friend, specially when it should be in a real time.
Who is using port 3000 ?
You start a Node App and You find that some other app is using 3000 Port ? You are too lazy to update env.PORT in the .env file because you want to know WHO IS USING THIS F## PORT?? then you open your Terminal and you COPY/PASTE This command: sudo ss -lptn ‘sport = :3000’ […]
Wallpaper Ubuntu Tunisia
Hi guys! I share with you this wallpaper made by InkScape but before let talk about this free software.